Wednesday, February 24, 2010

free pattern

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A classic cardigan, Drift, combines the gansey stitch patterns of our men's pullover, Beagle, with feminine fit.

PDF Pattern Instructions

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Shown in size small

Directions are for women's size X-Small. Changes for sizes Small, Medium, Large, 1X and 2X are in parentheses.

Bust (closed) – 32(36-40-44-48-52)”
Length – 24½(25-25½-26½-27-28)”

6(6-7-8-9-10) Hanks BERROCO VINTAGE (100 grs), #5167 Dewberry
Straight knitting needles, sizes 5 (3.75 mm) and 7 (4.50 mm) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE
29” Length circular knitting needle, size 5 (3.75 mm)
4 St markers
Six 1” buttons

20 sts = 4”; 26 rows = 4” in St st and Double Seed St on larger needles
38 sts = 6”; 26 rows = 4” in Pat St on larger needles

DOUBLE SEED STITCH (Multiple of 4 sts + 2)
Row 1 (RS): K2, * p2, k2, rep from * across.
Row 2: P2, * k2, p2, rep from * across.
Row 3: Rep Row 2.
Row 4: Rep Row 1.
Rep these 4 rows for Double Seed St.

PATTERN STITCH (Worked over 38 sts)
Row 1 (RS): P2, k2, (p2, k1TBL) twice, (p2, k2) 4 times, (p2, k1TBL) twice, p2, k2, p2.
Row 2: K2, p2, (k2, p1TBL) twice, (k2, p2) 4 times, (k2, p1TBL) twice, k2, p2, k2.
Row 3: P2, k2, (p2, k1TBL) twice, (p2, k2, p2) twice, p2, k2, (p2, k1TBL) twice, p2, k2, p2.
Row 4: K2, p2, (k2, p1TBL) twice, (k2, p2, k2) twice, k2, p2, (k2, p1TBL) twice, k2, p2, k2.
Rep these 4 rows for Pat St.


With smaller straight needles, cast on 98(106-118-126-138-146) sts.

Establish Pat St: Row 1 (RS): K0(2-0-0-0-0), (p2, k2) 1(1-3-4-5-6) times, place marker, work Row 1 of Pat St over 38 sts, place marker, k2, (p2, k2) 3(4-4-4-5-5) times, place marker, work Row 1 of Pat St over 38 sts, place marker, (k2, p2) 1(1-3-4-5-6) times, k0(2-0-0-0-0).

Row 2: P0(2-0-0-0-0), (k2, p2) 1(1-3-4-5-6) times, work Row 2 of Pat St to next marker, p2, (k2, p2) 3(4-4-4-5-5) times, work row 2 of Pat St to next marker, (p2, k2) 1(1-3-4-5-6) times, p0(2-0-0-0-0). Work even in pat as established until piece measures 2 1/2” from beg, end on RS. Change to larger needles.

Next Row (WS): P to first marker, decreasing 0(0-1-0-1-0) st across, work in Pat St to next marker, p to next marker, work in Pat St to next marker, p to end, decreasing 0(0-1-0-1-0) st across – 98(106-116-126-136-146) sts. Keeping sts between markers in Pat St and remaining sts in St st, work even until piece measures 3½(3½- 4- 4½- 5-5½)” from beg, end on WS.

Dec Row (RS): K1, k2 tog, work to last 3 sts, SSK, k1 – 96(104-114-124-134-144) sts. Rep this dec every 1 ½” 4 times more – 88(96-106-116-126-136) sts. Work even until piece measures 12(12-12½-13-13½-14)” from beg, end on WS.

Inc Row (RS): K1, M1k, work to last st, M1k, k1 – 90(98-108-118-128-138) sts. Rep this inc every 3/4” 4 times more – 98(106-116-126-136-146) sts. Work even until piece measures 15(15-15½-16-16½-17)” from beg, end on WS.

Next Row (RS): K to first marker, drop marker, k to next marker, decreasing 8(8-7-8-7-8) sts across, k to next marker, k to next marker, decreasing 8(8-7-8-7-8) sts across, k to last marker – 82(90-102-110-122-130) sts. Knit 6 rows, then purl 1 row, end on WS. From here, work all sts in Double Seed St.

Shape Armholes: Bind off 4(4-6-6-8-10) sts at beg of the next 2 rows – 74(82-90-98-106-110) sts.

Dec Row (RS): K1, k2 tog, work to last 3 sts, SSK, k1 – 72(80-88-96-104-108) sts. Rep this dec every RS row 6(7-9-10-12-11) times – 60(66-70-76-80-86) sts. Work even until armholes measure 7½(8-8-8½-8½-9)”, end on WS.

Shape Shoulders: Bind off 5(6-6-7-9-10) sts at beg of the next 2 rows, then 5(6-7-8-8-9) sts at beg of the next 4 rows. Bind off remaining 30 sts for back neck.


With smaller straight needles, cast on 46(50-56-60-66-70) sts.

Establish Pat St: Row 1 (RS): K0(2-0-0-0-0), (p2, k2) 1(1-3-4-5-6) times, place marker, work Row 1 of Pat St over 38 sts, place marker, (k2, p2) 1(1-1-1-2-2) times, k0(2-2-2-0-0).

Row 2: P0(2-2-2-0-0), (k2, p2) 1(1-1-1-2-2) times, work Row 2 of Pat St to last marker, (p2, k2) 1(1-3-4-5-6) times, p0(2-0-0-0-0). Work even in pat as established until piece measures 2½” from beg, end on RS. Change to larger needles.

Next Row (WS): P to first marker, work in Pat St to last marker, p to end, decreasing 0(0-1-0-1-0) st across – 46(50-55-60-65-70) sts. Keeping sts between markers in Pat St and remaining sts in St st, work even until piece measures 3½(3½- 4-4½-5-5½)” from beg, end on WS.

Dec Row (RS): K1, k2 tog, work to end – 45(49-54-59-64-69) sts. Rep this dec every 1 1/2” 4 times more – 41(45-50-55-60-65) sts. Work even until piece measures 12(12-12 ½-13-13 ½-14)” from beg, end on WS.

Inc Row (RS): K1, M1k, work to end – 42(46-51-56-61-66) sts. Rep this inc every ¾” 4 times more – 46(50-55-60-65-70) sts. Work even until piece measures 15(15-15½-16-16½-17)” from beg, end on WS.

Next Row (RS): K to first marker, drop marker, k to last marker, decreasing 8(7-7-7-7-7) sts across, drop marker, k to end – 38(43-48-53-58-63) sts. Knit 6 rows, then purl 1 row, end on WS. From here, work all sts in Double Seed St.

Shape Armhole and Neck: Next Row (RS): Bind off 4(4-6-6-8-10) sts, work to end – 34(39-42-47-50-53) sts. Work 1 row even.

Dec Row (RS): K1, k2 tog, work to last 3 sts, SSK, k1 – 32(37-40-45-48-51) sts. Working decs in this manner, continue to dec 1 st at armhole edge every RS row 6(7-9-10-12-11) times more. AT THE SAME TIME, dec 1 st at neck edge every 4th row 9(10-7-8-5-7) times more, then every 6th row 2(2-4-4-6-5) times. When all decs have been completed, work even if necessary on 15(18-20-23-25-28) sts until armhole measures 7 1/2(8-8-8 1/2-8 1/2-9)”, end on WS. Bind off 5(6-6-7-9-10) sts at armhole edge once, then 5(6-7-8-8-9) sts twice for shoulder.


Work to correspond to left front, reversing all shaping and placement of pat st. Work side decs at end of RS rows as SSK, k1. Work side incs at end of RS rows as M1k, k1. Bind off for armhole and shoulder on WS rows. Work neck decs at beg of RS rows as k1, k2 tog. Work armhole decs at end of RS rows as k2 tog, k1.


With smaller straight needles, cast on 54 sts.

Ribbing: Row 1 (RS): K2, * p2, k2, rep from * across.

Row 2: P2, * k2, p2, rep from * across. Rep these 2 rows until sleeve measures 3” from beg, end on RS. Change to larger needles and p the next row, decreasing 8 sts across – 46 sts. Work even in St st until sleeve measures 4” from beg, end on WS.

Inc Row (RS): K2, M1k, k to last 2 sts, M1k, k1 – 48 sts. Rep this inc every 2(2-1½-1-1-3/4)” 6(6-8-11-13-16) times more – 60(60-64-70-74-80) sts. Work even until sleeve measures 18” from beg, end on WS.

Shape Cap: Bind off 4(4-6-6-8-10) sts at beg of the next 2 rows – 52(52-52-58-58-60) sts.

Dec Row (RS): K1, k2 tog, k to last 3 sts, SSK, k1 – 50(50-50-56-56-58) sts. Rep this dec every RS row 16(16-16-16-16-17) times more, end on WS – 18(18-18-24-24-24) sts. Bind off 4(2-2-2-2-0) sts at beg of the next 2 rows. Bind off remaining 10(14-14-20-20-24) sts.


Sew shoulder seams.

Left Front/Neckband: With RS facing, using circular needle, beg at center back neck, pick up and k118(122-122-126-126-130) sts to cast-on edge of left front. Beg with Row 2, work in ribbing same as sleeves for 1”, end on WS. Knit 1 row, purl 1 row. Bind off knitwise. Mark placement of 6 buttons, the first 1” from lower edge, the last at beg of neck and the others evenly spaced between.

Right Front/Neckband: With RS facing, using circular needle, beg at cast-on edge of right front, pick up and k118(122-122-126-126-130) sts to center of back neck. Beg with Row 2, work in ribbing same as sleeves for ½”, end on WS. Make buttonholes on the next row opposite markers as k2 tog, yo. Complete same as left front/neckband. Sew ends of front/neckbands tog at center back neck. Sew in sleeves. Sew side and sleeve seams. Sew on buttons.

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